Friday, 24 August 2018


Dr Rania Al-Mashat

Cairo - Eco - Nariman Yanny : Dr Rania Al-Mashat,Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, said: “Everyone in Egypt is extremely saddened at the deaths of British holidaymakers John and Susan Cooper in Hurghada and our thoughts and prayers are with their family at this extremely difficult time ...

Friday, 17 August 2018

Trump is discussing with a number of business leaders around the world "how to improve jobs in the United States"

Eco - US President Donald Trump said Friday during a tweet on Twitter : In speaking with some of the world’s top business leaders I asked what it is that would make business (jobs) even better in the U.S. “Stop quarterly reporting & go to a six month system,” said one ...

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Global markets are looking for the impact of the Turkish lira crisis

trump and erdogan
Observers and analysts: Investors have defended the dollar because of the deterioration of the Turkish lira as a safe haven
 Eco – Fady Labib :The international media continued to pay attention to the Turkish lira crisis and its impact on the economic situation inside Turkey and abroad. In the British press there is a focus on the fears of the spread of this financial crisis on the global situation ...

Saturday, 11 August 2018

"Lira" pressure on the Turkish banking sector .. The application of US customs duties on steel imports August 13

 Eco : The Turkish lira has plunged by up to 18 percent on concern over President Erdogan's influence over monetary policy and tensions between Ankara and Washington, and the Turkish currency has lost more than 27 percent of its value this year ...

The Pope blesses the Holy Family Pilgrimages in Egypt

Cairo –Eco –Nariman Yanny : Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, H.E. Yahia Rashed, has traveled to the Vatican along with a high-level deleg...

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